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The Vitality Fellowship

Each month, we tailor our content to a specific theme, from wellness topics to global trends and health awareness days, to help you craft memorable and exciting campaigns for your members throughout the year.

Dynamically defining the future

As actuaries and analysts, we work in an ever-evolving environment where we are given the responsibility to solve complex issues. To remain relevant — and highly valued — we need to keep up-to-date with data science trends, actuarial techniques, regulatory changes and, particularly given our focus on wellness and behavior change at Vitality, InsurTech advancements.

This is where the Actuarial Conference comes in

This annual conference, created for analytically-minded individuals across the Discovery Group and Vitality Network, was established 15 years ago to showcase innovation, analytical techniques, and the ability to solve real-world and business problems. As part of this exclusive conference, we invite participants to present papers on solutions to challenges in their businesses.

In addition to the valuable networking and exposure opportunities, what would a Vitality conference be without incentives inspired by behavioural economics? Prizes on offer for the winning teams include VIP international and regionaltrips and unparalleled experiences. The 2023 winners, for example, include prize.

We’re proud to offer the Vitality Fellowship

Asan extension to the usual invites to attend the Actuarial Conference, we areexcited to offer the Vitality Fellowship. This aims to encourage global participation and submission of papers through access to our actuarial expertsand a program aimed at idea generation, development and refinement. The Vitality Fellowship will help you with your entry for the conference and maximize your chances of winning.

Why take part?

The Vitality Fellowship will provide Actuarial Conference participants with opportunities for cultural immersion, individual development, expansion of professional networks, and experiential learning. Our aim is to provide a supportive environment to encourage new research and product development across the markets.

Personal development

You'll have access to dedicated Vitality mentors to help you craft your conference submission. These mentors are here to guide you on topic ideation and your entry submission with regular progress 'check-ins' to offer advice and feedback. Out team of mentors are also here to help you with your final paper submission and presentations as part of the competition process.

Competitive professional advantages

Through this Fellowship you'll get world-class exposure to a preofessional actuarial network and be introduced to establised leader in their fields. You will also have opoortunies to connect with executives, speakers and mentors globally and the ability to exchange ideas with, and learn from, your peers.

Skills building

As part of the Vitality Fellowship, finalists will get access to a range of experts to help you shape compelling, creative and well-structured presentations. You'll also have access to an in-depth course on how to develop the communication skulls and methodology to best deliver a dynamic presentation.

Financial and travel incentives

Finalists will travel to the Acturial Conference in South Africa with all expenses covered by Vitality Global including flights, transfer, visa requirements and accommodation. You'll also enjoy a range of additional bespoke South African immersion experiences, exclusive to Vitality Fellowship members.

Get in touch

Have any questions? We’d love to hear from you.​

Girl with sunscreen on her face